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RWC2012 MVP Hat [1]
Thank you for supporting pRO SMART RWC 2012 Team Pilipinas.
Класс: Головной убор
Расположение: Голова
Защита: 6
Вес: 15
Требуемый уровень: 1
Квалификация: Все профессии
Reduces damage taken from Human Player and Demi-Human race enemies by 10%.
Increases the recovery rate of Mastela Fruit consumables by 30%.

Reduces the variable casting time of skills by 3%.
If upgrade level is +12 or higher, reduces the variable casting time of skills by an additional 1%.
If upgrade level is +14 or higher, reduces the variable casting time of skills by an additional 1%.
Цена: 20 Ƶ
MVP_Basketball (#18729)